Bold Types - Indie Bookshops of Aotearoa New Zealand
Jane Ussher, Jemma Moreira
Why a book on bookshops? It's personal. I've long wanted to do this book, in fact it's why I started publishing after I sold the Martinborough Bookshop and couldn't persuade any publishers to accept my submission for a book celebrating the Bold Types who risk all to defy (ahem) Amazon, the franchises, and the big guys. It's not a history, nor does it include every indie bookshop in NZ. What it is, is an emotionally beautiful, quirky, breathtaking, and interesting tribute to booksellers, publishers, writers, photographers, illustrators and especially readers. A surprise on every page. And dogs. And children.
I love it.
Publishing hopefully in time for October's Bookshop Week 2024.
Each a Glimpse
Wellington Railway Station Celebrated
Bruce Foster Photography
Redmer Yska Introduction
Wellington Railway Station is a Grade One category historic building, but it is much more than that. It's a privately owned building but used by over 10,000 members of the public a day. It is arguably Aotearoa's most significant building architecturally, aesthetically, emotionally, historically, industrially, and in engineering terms. We connect with our station. We met under the statue of Kupe. We giggled in the photo booth. We tearfully farewelled and joyfully greeted. Murders took place here. Michael Joseph Savage's cortege departed from here. The Wahine disaster was triaged here. And yet, 100 years after building began, the station has never had a book devoted especially to its life.
Until now.
Bruce Foster has taken extraordinary photos over 2023/2024, and earlier, of life at the station.
Blended with historic photos, and images by famous photographers like Ans Westra and John Daley, this book will be a collectors' item.
Yska's text outlines the history, coupled with poetry and prose from Sam Hunt, Katherine Mansfield, Michael D Jackson, and more.
To be published early 2025, hardback, b&w and colour.