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Green Rain
Alastair Clarke a New Zealander who returned to live in Wairarapa from Australia in 2016. The challenging geology of Aotearoa strongly influences his poems, along with our societal, cultural, and political issues. Green Rain is his second collection of poetry, following 'Seeing' (2022).
"Alastair Clarke shows the way poetry can catch the brightness of place (and travel)...Landscape is never redundant in poetry..) Paula Green, Poetry Shelf Review.
Published August 2023, $30, quality soft cover with flaps, 95pp.


Climbing from Depression to Philosophy
Daniel Kalderimis

This is a book for anyone who feels that philosophy is relevant to their lives, but doesn't see how. Written by Daniel Kalderimis in the wake of his experience with depression, and no longer sustained by the daily grind and trappings of ordinary life, he needed to find another way back. The search led him past wellness platitudes onto an engaging journey, connecting stands of philosophy in works of George Eliot, Iris Murdoch, and Martha Nussbaum, as well as insights from modern Stoicism and Buddhism. The result is a durable life outlook that uses insights from depression itself to help glimpse what Bertrand Russell called 'zest'.

Daniel Kalderimis is a Wellington barrister who practises internationally; is qualified in Aotearoa New Zealand, England & Wales, and admitted in New York.
Publishing later in 2024, quality soft cover.



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